Straightjacket-time!'s Comments

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Hi SJ,  I wanted to answer something you had mentioned.  Yes, actually I do know where she is at night. There is one girl at the local university and one guy now, recent, who likes her.  However , I, don't know where that is going.  I am very picky right now.  She stayed home Fri. and Sat with my husband and me.  Said her friends are few and far between, wished she had a place to go, but didn't.

I remember when she was sixteen and had this boyfrend who came over (I didn't let her date until she drove-this way she could meet them there and could leave when she wanted-and avoid being in the car with a drunk driver) and I knew after two minutes he was nice but stupid). I let her know about it. Later when he called her again, I overheard her say to him, I can't have you come over, my mom hates you and will make my life a living hell"  job done.  This, I have controlled (unlike other things after she turned 18 started college- wrong crowd, etc.).  The new boy, I just gave her the hairy eyeball, she knows what I am thinking.  You know, sometime parents are successful at certain things, others not.  I try my best, but some things escape me.  Her birthday is Wed., and she has no one to spend it with but me. She is getting used to it.  But this is the daughter that was followed my direction until college.  Then the sleazebag friends , going nowhere, and pot smoking ensued, tickets also.

Any way, I make it a point to make it my business since I allowed her to come home.  She never uses my car, if need be I drive her where she needs to go (if she is low on gas , etc.)  I even insisted on driving her to IOP and picking her up.

I just thought I would answer you, to let you know how it is. Again, anything can happen on any day, but I have to reign her in. Reality has to become part of her existence, then permanent.  No more crap.

I always appreciate your honesty and your posts mean the world to me. I needed you to know this.

I just have one question, if you don't mind, are you a dad or a mom.  Either way, you are invaluable.


Posted: 12/11/2011 7:07 AM
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